When is surgery necessary?

In the presence of important skeletal problems, Orthodontics alone cannot allow obtain an ideal result: in this case the aesthetic and functional objectives are achievable by means of a combined orthodontic-surgical treatment.

This type of treatment is intended for patients with syndromic diseases, adolescents or adults with a skeletal discrepancy between the jaw bones or sometimes to children where one is expected very unfavorable growth. In this case, orthodontic treatment and surgery are delayed at a later age (generally over 18 in women, over 20 in men) to be certain that the growth has been completed.

The orthodontic-surgical treatment involves the following sequence: it is performed initially an orthodontic treatment with a fixed appliance in order to make the shapes of the dental arches and to align the teeth.

Subsequently, with the orthodontic equipment kept in the mouth, the surgeon performs the intervention that allows the correction of skeletal relationships in the three dimensions. Then comes completed the orthodontic treatment with the finishing phase.

The duration of an orthodontic-surgical treatment is between 12 and 24 months. The patients they are hospitalized for 3-7 days, with 3-5 weeks of incapacity for work.

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