
Interceptive therapy (or phase I) aims to correct predominantly skeletal disharmonies which, if not treated promptly, can evolve and worsen over time. The main objectives of this therapy are represented by: harmonizing skeletal growth, promoting the eruption of all permanent teeth and eliminating any bad habits.

This treatment phase is usually conducted at an age between 6 and 9 years and has a limited duration (around 1 year); subsequently it is followed by a monitoring phase with periodic checks: sometimes, in this time interval, the strategic removal of deciduous teeth may be indicated to speed up or facilitate the eruption of the corresponding teeth permanent. After completion of the trade-in, it is determined whether or not a second treatment phase (phase II) is required.


Only a limited number of cases require interceptive therapy (therefore an ad an early age): the indication for this intervention is given to the parents by the Doctor during the first visit (Diagnostic path). However, we recommend that you bring your child in as soon as possible study, especially if one of the following malocclusions / conditions is present:
- Unilateral posterior crossbitis (frequent malocclusions in children)
- Bilateral posterior crossbitis (frequent malocclusions in the child)
- Anterior crossbitis (frequent malocclusions in children)
-Overjet >8mm (Severe classes II division I) (Frequent malocclusions in children)
- Spoiled habits perpetuated over time (finger sucking, use of a pacifier, interposition lower lip, etc.)
- Early loss of deciduous teeth or late eruption of permanent teeth
- Size of the teeth not proportionate to the adjacent structures


At the end of the interceptive therapy the teeth will not occupy their final position: it will be necessary to wait for the exchange to be completed (with the eruption of all the permanent teeth) to proceed, if necessary, with phase II, and to achieve all the remaining objectives of the orthodontic treatment.
The types of orthodontic appliance (dental appliance) adopted in the treatment of the child are extremely varied: each case requires, in relation to the problems present, an individualized orthodontic care, both in terms of timing (correct age to start) and types of necessary appliances.


Unilateral posterior crossbite: if the upper arch is narrow from the transverse point of view, the mandible, unable to find an ideal joint in the closing movement of the mouth, undergoes a deviation: as a consequence the lower arch teeth on one side they will be more externally than those of the upper arch.


Bilateral posterior crossbite: if the upper arch is particularly narrow from the transverse point of view, the teeth of the lower arch will be located on both sides more externally than those of the upper arch.


Anterior crossbitis: if the maxillary bone is poorly developed and / or the mandible is very developed in an antero-posterior direction, the front teeth of the upper arch will be further back than those of the lower arch.


Anterior open bite: in the presence of a prolonged spoiled habit (sucking of the finger, atypical swallowing, etc.) or of a specific skeletal conformation (hyperdivergent pattern), an anterior open bite can be determined: the front teeth of the the upper arch will not be vertically superimposed on those of the lower arch.


Crowding: crowding can occur in the presence of a discrepancy between the sum of the dimensions of the teeth and the total perimeter of the arch.


Diastemas: in the presence of a discrepancy between the sum of the dimensions of the teeth and the total perimeter of the arch, the presence of spacing between the teeth can be determined.


Increased overjet: if the maxillary bone is very developed and / or the mandible is underdeveloped in an antero-posterior direction (sometimes in conjunction with prolonged bad habits) the front teeth of the upper arch will be located much further forward than those of the lower arch.


Teeth included: in cases where there is not the necessary space for the eruption of all permanent teeth, especially in children with an individual genetic predisposition, some permanent teeth may not erupt and remain included in the alveolar bone.


Skeletal asymmetry: in cases where the development of skeletal structures does not occur in a balanced way, a skeletal asymmetry of the facial structures may occur.
The types of orthodontic appliance (dental appliance) adopted in the treatment of children are extremely varied: each case requires, in relation to the problems present, an individualized orthodontic care, both in terms of timing (correct age to start) and the types of appliances needed.

Interceptive Orthodontics and Phase I for Children

Interceptive orthodontics plays a crucial role in correcting skeletal disharmonies in children.
An integral part of this treatment is the use of appliances for children, an essential tool for guiding skeletal growth and ensuring the healthy eruption of permanent teeth. This interceptive therapy is particularly effective in children aged between 6 and 9 years, a period during which future more complex problems can be prevented or mitigated.

During the therapy with appliances for children, the goal is to harmonize skeletal development, promoting proper alignment of teeth and dental arches. Moreover, a significant focus is on correcting any bad habits, such as thumb sucking or prolonged use of pacifiers, which can negatively affect the position of the teeth and jaw growth.

Appliances for children are a versatile tool and are chosen based on the specific needs of the young patient. Whether it is to address unilateral crossbite, pronounced overjet, or other dental issues, appliances play a key role in the orthodontic treatment plan.

After completing interceptive therapy, it is not uncommon for the teeth to not yet occupy their final position. It is necessary to wait for the completion of dental permutation to assess the need for a second phase of treatment.
This period is crucial and greatly benefits from the early introduction of appliances for children, laying the foundation for a healthy and harmonious smile.

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